Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's been awhile...

I know it's been awhile since I last updated, but that doesn't mean that I've necessarily been slacking on my goals to exercise more and eat better.  Overall, I'm still as motivated as I've ever been.

A couple weeks ago I signed up for the 30 day exercise challenge.  It only took me a few days to realize that this wasn't the best idea for me.  I made that decision not because I couldn't do the exercises or anything like that, it's just that I happen to like my own routine.  I go to the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week.  I plan my meals.  I walk my dog a lot.  I still have homework.  It just didn't work out.

But, I discovered something that is becoming a bit of a personal challenge for me.  On Mondays at my gym there is a thirty minute step aerobics class followed by a fit barre class, which is mostly weight training.  I went once and while it was exhausting, it felt incredible to finish.  I have a sneaky suspicion that I will be attending this class as time allows.

In regards to eating, I am doing well with that also.  The menu planning and grocery list thing is really working out for me.  I plan three dinners for the week, get the groceries for it all, and that usually lasts me at least a week.  My lunches and breakfasts haven't really changed with the exception of fewer granola bars and way more fruits and veggies.

All in all, things are going rather well.

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