Friday, April 13, 2012


I have a job where I sit ALL DAY in front of a computer and basically do monotonous things (like copying and pasting stuff from the Internet).  So to occupy my time, I listen to a lot of news and podcasts.  I also tend to read a lot of blogs during the day.

I was listing to On Point, and the show I was listening to was concerned with health and the fact that we get too many unnecessary tests.  The other day I listened to a show done by Diane Rehm with a similar hypothesis.  In addition to that, I understand that being overweight obese as I am that I am at risk for many things including hypertension and diabetes so my doctor is keeping an eye on various test results that I get every year.

But all of this begged the question of what it truly means to be healthy.  Is it just physical?  Or is it also emotional, psychological, spiritual, etc?  I think that it might very from person to person, but that every aspect of it is linked.  For me, I think that being healthy has a large part to do with feeling good about myself, which is something that I struggle with.  I have a horrible body image and I don't like looking in the mirror.  I don't like to see how large I've let myself become.  That is something that is very emotional with me, and in a sense psychological as well.  But, it very much has to do with my physical health.  For too many years, I've not been active enough, I've ate too much chocolate and other foods while not eating enough fruits and vegetables.  In order to "right" my emotional health, I really need to work on my physical health and eat more of those veggies, less cookies and get up more often.  That is what I am focusing on in my life right now.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Today's Victories (so far)!

  1. Breakfast consisted of overnight oats that had half a banana in it, some oats (clearly), chia seeds and Greek yogurt.
  2. My mid-morning snack was a banana.
  3. Lunch included a whole wheat wrap with turkey, spinach, sprouts, some mozzarella cheese and a small amount of mustard.  Additionally, I had some low-fat vanilla yogurt with raspberries and blueberries.
What does this add up to?  At least two servings of fruit, about 1.5 servings (if not 2) of veggies and some lean protein in every meal!  The best part is that my afternoon snack is going to be some delicious homemade salsa that is CHOCK FULL of veggies including corn, black beans, red pepper and avocado.

I will say that I did have a bagel and cream cheese this morning.  But I'm rather confident that the good outweighs the bad so far today. :)

Oh, and Zumba is tonight!  So excited!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lists Galore!

Be able to do a sit-up with good form without struggling
Go to bed at or before 11pm at night (especially work nights)
Wake up in time to take the beagle on a good walk in the morning
Wake up no later then 9am on weekends
Finish the beginning weight loss fitness plan

Victories since starting to exercise most days:
I sleep better at night
I wake better rested in the morning
I'm generally in a better mood and more cheerful