Friday, April 13, 2012


I have a job where I sit ALL DAY in front of a computer and basically do monotonous things (like copying and pasting stuff from the Internet).  So to occupy my time, I listen to a lot of news and podcasts.  I also tend to read a lot of blogs during the day.

I was listing to On Point, and the show I was listening to was concerned with health and the fact that we get too many unnecessary tests.  The other day I listened to a show done by Diane Rehm with a similar hypothesis.  In addition to that, I understand that being overweight obese as I am that I am at risk for many things including hypertension and diabetes so my doctor is keeping an eye on various test results that I get every year.

But all of this begged the question of what it truly means to be healthy.  Is it just physical?  Or is it also emotional, psychological, spiritual, etc?  I think that it might very from person to person, but that every aspect of it is linked.  For me, I think that being healthy has a large part to do with feeling good about myself, which is something that I struggle with.  I have a horrible body image and I don't like looking in the mirror.  I don't like to see how large I've let myself become.  That is something that is very emotional with me, and in a sense psychological as well.  But, it very much has to do with my physical health.  For too many years, I've not been active enough, I've ate too much chocolate and other foods while not eating enough fruits and vegetables.  In order to "right" my emotional health, I really need to work on my physical health and eat more of those veggies, less cookies and get up more often.  That is what I am focusing on in my life right now.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Today's Victories (so far)!

  1. Breakfast consisted of overnight oats that had half a banana in it, some oats (clearly), chia seeds and Greek yogurt.
  2. My mid-morning snack was a banana.
  3. Lunch included a whole wheat wrap with turkey, spinach, sprouts, some mozzarella cheese and a small amount of mustard.  Additionally, I had some low-fat vanilla yogurt with raspberries and blueberries.
What does this add up to?  At least two servings of fruit, about 1.5 servings (if not 2) of veggies and some lean protein in every meal!  The best part is that my afternoon snack is going to be some delicious homemade salsa that is CHOCK FULL of veggies including corn, black beans, red pepper and avocado.

I will say that I did have a bagel and cream cheese this morning.  But I'm rather confident that the good outweighs the bad so far today. :)

Oh, and Zumba is tonight!  So excited!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lists Galore!

Be able to do a sit-up with good form without struggling
Go to bed at or before 11pm at night (especially work nights)
Wake up in time to take the beagle on a good walk in the morning
Wake up no later then 9am on weekends
Finish the beginning weight loss fitness plan

Victories since starting to exercise most days:
I sleep better at night
I wake better rested in the morning
I'm generally in a better mood and more cheerful

Monday, March 19, 2012

Geocaching, kettlebell and Zumba make the world go round...

The title to this post says it all.  I am in love with geocaching, kettlebell and Zumba.  I went to Lansing for the weekend to celebrate (mourn) my sister's continued existence on this earth and we ended up going geocaching on both Saturday and Sunday.  The one thing that occurred to me is that I should wear a pedometer and even consider wearing my heart monitor while geocaching.  I'm very curious how much I actual walk while geocaching.  Perhaps there's some sort of function that I can utilize on my gps unit to measure the distance traveled or something...  Anyway, there also seems to be lots of hills and such that I end up climbing in search of the cache which brings up my heart rate.  Maybe it's enough for vitality points?  At least it's something to consider.  But, on Saturday we found three caches and on Sunday we found two.  That brings me up to finding twenty caches total.  Added to that, I got some other people to enjoy it as well.  My obsession is spreading!

I also bought a kettlebell last week, and so far I really like it.  It's something that I'm going to keep perusing the Internet for more information about, specifically for new exercises to do with it.  Admittedly I'm very basic, but I like it and think that it's something that I can stick with.  What I would really like is for my gym to have a kettlebell class that I can go to.  When that happens, I will be there.

Zumba is tonight, which I'm really excited about.  I also have to go grocery shopping and get my alternator tested on my car, but Zumba is the priority.  The rest may not happen until tomorrow.  Oops.  My friend Ashley may end up going to Zumba with me, which would be incredibly awesome! 

With the beautiful weather expected this week and the March that feels like summer, I'm really wanting to cook using my grill.  I keep trying to find some delicious grilled food recipes on the internet to try out.  So that is mostly what I'm up to this week. :)

Until next time!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Beautiful weather!

This is a beautiful time of year.  70 degree temps, warm sunshine...  But of course that's not really supposed to happen in March, but I'll take it.  With the warm weather, I am discovering my new obsession, so to speak.  I absolutely LOVE geocaching.  I love going out in the nice weather with my usually trusty handheld gps unit and walking around parks until I find the hidden treasure.  It's great.  The fact that it also means getting off my butt and in the sun is only one of the benefits.  Sometimes it's even aerobic as it often involves walking up and down hills a lot, maybe some climbing, etc.  One of the cool things about geocaching is that it can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be.  Regardless, it's definitely turning into an obsession for me.

In addition to geocaching, I've also picked up Zumba, which I find to be really fun.  It is my new Monday night activity.  Tonight I am going to Fit Barre at my gym, which is more resistance training.  I'm really trying to not focus completely on cardio work because, while the benefits of cardio can't be denied, resistance training is also an integral part of it.

I'm also intensely curious about kettlebell; so much so that I'm half tempted to buy one on the way home.  Clearly I'd buy the lightest one (7lbs) as I'm a beginner and I don't have any experience with it.  But I'm extremely curious about it and it looks like something that I might like.

Finally, nutrition is a key component of weight loss as well.  I've been increasing the number of servings of fruits and vegetables.  But, I've also given up pop for the time being.  There is really no reason to drink pop from a nutritional perspective.  Maybe someday I'll drink pop again, but right now I'm trying to get used to how I feel not drinking it.

Happy thought of the day:  my best friend informed me that if I keep going the way that I am currently, I will visibly be losing weight in the next few months.  Hopefully that's right!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Extended Hiatus: Over

So the last month to two months haven't been the greatest in terms of healthy living accomplishments.  But there have been a host of other accomplishments that I've achieved.
  • The Big One: I GRADUATED!!  School is officially and perhaps forever over!  No more worrying about papers, no more worrying about blackboard, no more crappy professors.  IT. IS. OVER!
  • The other, not quite so big, one is that I made it through Christmas.  It was touch and go there for awhile.  My family loves to pile on the stress, guilt and what-not to make something that is supposed to be wonderful absolutely awful.  But I made it through Christmas and, even if the weeks leading up to Christmas were pretty much horrifying, Christmas Eve and Christmas day were actually rather relaxing and drama free.  
New Year's also went very well though it wasn't exactly what I was planning/hoping/expecting.  But, que sera sera.  I was extremely happy to see the New Year though because it inevitably means that December 2011 is over.  January means more free time, more time to accomplish the other goals that I have, those that are more healthy living oriented.  January means less stress, less drama and in general a quieter life.  I had been craving January for a several weeks.  So far, it's lived up to it's expectations.  I am started to get my equilibrium back.  I'm starting to NOT feel exhausted all the time because I simply don't have time to sleep.  I've been walking my dog more and I've been cooking more.  It has been wonderful.

This brings me to the purpose of this post.  It's a little late for New Year's resolutions, but it's never too late for goals.  That said, I am starting out simple.  I would like to increase my cardio workouts.  I think that this will help me in the future for dealing with the aforementioned familial stress.  Maybe next Christmas won't make me so crazy.  To start, I am going to try to make it to the gym 1-2 times per week to use the elliptical, take my dog on at least one half hour walk every day and give one of the classes at the gym a try.  Probably Zumba, because I've been extremely curious about that.

I'm also going to go back to my meal planning on the calendar.  I would like to plan to prepare about three nutritious dinners every week.  I say "about" because the leftover situation may call for more or fewer nights cooking.  I'm also going to try new things for lunch because I'm really tired of the sandwiches that I've been bringing.  This week I made a pasta salad that is delicious.  I substituted whole wheat penne pasta for the egg noodles and didn't use all of the dressing to reduce the calories.

Last night I made a delicious batch of minestrone soup, courtesy of Clearly Delicious.  That, combined with the good lunch of the pasta salad means that I am currently feeling a lot better then I have been.  I just have to keep this up!

Anyway, toodles for now.