Thursday, November 17, 2011


For some reason today, I am plagued by feelings of inadequacy.  I know that I have something to contribute to this world.  Well, I know in my head that I do.  I also know in my head that there are people that care about me.  But there are more important parts of me that aren't always completely convinced of these things.

The last 24 hours have been crazy stressful.  My computer stopped working when I was trying to work on a paper.  After some running around, I figured out it was the cord, but nonetheless it was extremely stressful.  This is especially true considering that I have a paper due in five hours that I can't seem to bring myself to work on.  Or even open the document up for that matter.

I was supposed to drive to Detroit today to pick up graduation stuff.  Luckily I was able to reschedule that.

My ePortfolio was essentially rejected.  They didn't like the color scheme or the layout.  Said the background color made it functionally illegible and that the organization of it was unorganized.  That's all in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.  I thought it was clearly organized.  Added to that, the background is a dark texture with light colored text.  It passed all accessibility standards according to the world wide web consortium, but apparently my school has different standards.  I have until November 28 the make the changes that they want made.

Maybe part of my problem is that my three closest friends live so far away.  Sometimes I'm here in Ypsi and I feel like I'm all alone.

Anyway, it's times like these that I tend to gorge on cookies, and yesterday really wasn't an exception.  I have been introducing more healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc, into my diet.  But then I start feeling like this, gorge on cookies, and I feel like everything that I've accomplished so far is down the drain and I'm starting from scratch.  That doesn't really help with the feeling inadequate thing.

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